Medical School: Week 4

Labor Day! Which means that Lexi tried to clean the house with screaming kids while I finished up as many projects as I could before the semester gets insane with the beginning of the human structure and function class. Basically, I won't be seeing anything but the inside of a book until December.

We had a disease scenario training in which we figured out that ice cream was responsible for gastroenteritis following a church picnic in the 1940's. I then spent most of the day studying and spent some time at the park with Addie while Zoey and Lexi went to the store.

Took the final exam for mastering medical information and then learned about how to take someone's sexual history. It seems like we spent so much time emphasizing how we shouldn't feel awkward about it because it's necessary that it convinced people that they felt awkward about it. Some of the standardized patient interviews were really interesting because it became more clinically oriented, but the critique was a little weird at times. Complementing someone on their ability to not stumble over the names of sexual organs in a patient interview started to get a little ridiculous after the second hour of interviews.

We started the human structure and function (HSF) course. We learned about bioelectric properties in cells, the first three weeks of development in embryology, and some basic cell biology. We were also told that the course work for the semester is equivalent to approximately 31 credit hours. We also picked up a bone box, which is literally a box of bones (model bones, not real people bones).

Ion channels, epithelial histology, spinal nerves, and superficial back muscular anatomy. It was a long day (and an even longer day for Lexi who was wrangling yogurt flinging children). We began dissecting cadavers today. It's an interesting experience to say the least.

Also, Zoey decided she wanted to eat Addie's dinner and didn't see anything wrong with it when she was confronted.


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