Medical School: Week 2

We reviewed different types of study designs and the lecturer confused us all by jumping back and forth between different topics. We finished a PBL session about STDs. One student tried to argue that AIDS isn't that bad. That got some interesting looks from the PBL facilitators. We got grades back for our first homework assignments. I went to a review for the content during lunch and people were surprisingly uppity about the grades they got. I'm not sure why so many people were worried because we were all told that we got passing grades and it's a pass fail course. Maybe they're planning to do really poorly on the final. We finished the day off with 2-3 hours of standardized patients while I tried to stay awake (Addie hasn't been sleeping lately). I then wrote some flash cards for the exam I have Wednesday morning.

Two quick lectures on cohort studies and a technology and resources group meeting. The advisory deans have been having one on one meetings with everyone and mine was on Tuesday. We discussed how to handle having children and doing medical school. I think the biggest take away was that it's not really possible to do two things at once. So I can't take care of the kids and try to study. This means I might be at the hospital longer but when I get home I can just focus on family and home.

This might be a good time to give a little background on Addie's sleep situation. We were going to talk at church on Sunday but the night before Addie was up off and on until nearly four in the morning. We thought she just wasn't feeling well because when we gave her a little tylenol she calmed down and slept. We thought she was just really sick and therefore we just didn't leave the house for fear of infecting the general population. However, the following night resulted in a mere hour and a half of sleep. Apparently she has night terrors or something because she just wakes up screaming and kicking. It's also been a little rough moving her into her bed after we've been sleeping on the couch and a sleeping pad in the living room for the past several weeks.

However, this hasn't stopped the girls from having fun playing together. Addie was putting sun glasses on Zoey and they both found it hilarious.

Addie finally fell asleep at one in the morning. Lexi was nice enough to stay with her until she fell asleep because I haven't been handling the sleep deprivation as well as her. She woke up at four and wanted to sleep next to Lexi (AKA my spot in the bed), so I slept for two hours in her bed on Paw Patrol bedsheets (Curse you Paw Patrol!!!).

We also had our first exam/quiz...and we have no idea how it went. That's all I have on that.

The last half of the day was spent in a lecture dealing with handling emotions properly with patients. I had another opportunity to practice taking a patient's history with a standardized patient. Right now we have no idea what we're doing so we're focusing on basic interviewing skills. The lectures and practice seemed geared towards towards social skills so basic that it's as if they're assuming we have no previous experience interacting with humans. It may also just be that I'm about two years older than the average student and I'm less nervous about a lot of it. I'm beginning to think that this is effecting the quality of critique from instructors. For example, we have a third year medical student sitting in on our group that practices interviews with standardized patients. After my practice interview she said that I seemed so professional that she feels like she could believe just about anything I'd tell the patient. I think they're running out of things to say.

When I got home Lexi and I both got distracted for all of seven minutes and turned around to find Addie covered in sunscreen.

Thursday is short day! Which means we only have lectures and PBLs from 8 in the morning to noon. We also got another AC unit for the entry level floor of our apartment, which is good because the high is back in the 90s lately.

We learned about clinical trials for drug development and did a PBL on involving breast cancer. We did a deaf simulation for the last five hours of the day simulating what it was like to be a deaf patient. The idea was to give us a sense of what it's like to have trouble communicating in a health care setting and how difficult it can be.


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