Once you’re files are ready to by preprocessed (Yes, there’s a word for the processing that takes place before the processing). They need to be aligned to a common image space.
Here’s my handy script:
Th N4BiasFieldCorrection command accounts for different intensities in the scan that result from bias in the signal as a result of their location in 3 dimensions (there are a lot more details but they’re beyond the scope of this post). The ResampleImage command ensures that all images have the same voxel spacing. As a whole, this script ensures that image spacing and intensity is as comparable as possible before any further processes that compare anatomical differences are used.
My last post was on how to obtain a representative sample to create a brain template. This post shows how to create the actual template. This step is fairly straightforward because most of the heavy lifting is already performed by antsMultivariateTemplateContstruction.sh . Here’s the entirety of the script so that you have an idea of how it all looks together. #!/bin/bash #SBATCH --time=75:00:00 #SBATCH --ntasks=1 #SBATCH --nodes=1 #SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=32768M #SBATCH -o /fslhome/username/logfiles/dataset/output_temp.txt #SBATCH -e /fslhome/username/logfiles/dataset/error_temp.txt #SBATCH -J "ucsdtemp" #SBATCH --mail-user=LongbranchPennywhistle@gmail.com #SBATCH --mail-type=BEGIN #SBATCH --mail-type=END #SBATCH --mail-type=FAIL export PBS_NODEFILE=`/fslapps/fslutils/generate_pbs_nodefile` export PBS_JOBID=$SLURM_JOB_ID export PBS_O_WORKDIR="$SLURM_SUBMIT_DIR" export PBS_QUEUE=batch export OMP_NUM_THREADS...
There already exist some pretty good instructions on how to install ANTsR here . I still have had some people I work with ask me how to install it because sometimes it can be a bit quirky. So I’m briefly going over a way you can download it yourself. Note that ANTsR is currently only available for Mac and Linux. ANTsR has the following dependencies. mydeps <- c( "Rcpp", "tools", "methods", "magrittr" ) install.packages( pkgs = mydeps, dependencies = TRUE ) The packages listed here provide full functionality within ANTsR. You will need CMake to download it but if you don’t already have it there’s a CMake package that can be downloaded specifically for R on github. The traditional way to install ANTsR is to clone the packages from github and use the R CMD INSTALL <packagename> . However, sometimes it’s easier to not have to go back and forth between terminal and R’s interfac...
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