Medical School: Week 2
Monday : We reviewed different types of study designs and the lecturer confused us all by jumping back and forth between different topics. We finished a PBL session about STDs. One student tried to argue that AIDS isn't that bad. That got some interesting looks from the PBL facilitators. We got grades back for our first homework assignments. I went to a review for the content during lunch and people were surprisingly uppity about the grades they got. I'm not sure why so many people were worried because we were all told that we got passing grades and it's a pass fail course. Maybe they're planning to do really poorly on the final. We finished the day off with 2-3 hours of standardized patients while I tried to stay awake (Addie hasn't been sleeping lately). I then wrote some flash cards for the exam I have Wednesday morning. Tuesday : Two quick lectures on cohort studies and a technology and resources group meeting. The advisory deans have been having one on one ...