Five Problems With Paw Patrol
Part of a being a parent these days involves watching terrible children shows with little to no substance. I'm sure my parents had to endure similar hardships, but I don't understand why I have to. We have the internet which has given us youtube, Netflix, and Hulu. I've tried to put forth standards of better entertainment in my home, but my beautiful wife insists that Addie loves other shows more. She'll bring the children into the living room in the morning where I'm trying to do some work (with great aplomb I might add) and turn on one of these shows. Usually she'll turn on Paw Patrol, leaving me stuck watching a show riddled with problems. Now, you might ask why I don't just stand up and change the channel. Because it's the morning and I'm tired. That's why. Now I have all this useless knowledge about talking dogs. Here are just a few of my problems with Paw Patrol. My girls getting ready for some Paw Patrol in the morning 1. Why do o...