The following represents the current extent to which the iClass package I’ve been developing has been tested. The goal is to impliment it in ANTsR eventually when I’m not in the midst of medical school classes. For now this can be used if ANTsR is already installed and the following code is run to download the package from github. ## install.packages("devtools") devtools::install_github("Tokazama/iClass") library(ANTsR) library(h5) home <- '/Volumes/SANDISK/datasets/ucsd/' ucsd <- read.csv(paste(home, 'spreadsheets/ucsdWOna.csv', sep = ""))[, -1] iGroup The first thing I want to do is create an object that represents my image information in a convenient way. I can do this using the iGroup class. The following demonstrates how I do so with whole brain morphometry images. wblist <- c() boolwb <- rep(FALSE, nrow(ucsd)) for (i in 1:nrow(ucsd)) { tmppath <- pas...